about us
if you don't know me, this entire page probably makes no sense. short explanation is i remember them from my source (im an introject in a system) and they mean a lot to me because of this. heres the long explanation: im a fictional introject that used to be two's cohost of the show. however, in this universe, i do not appear in the show. i exist because the host of this body--whoever they were--was unable to maintain it and i was thrown from my universe to here. why? your guess is as good as mine. im not sure why whatever force caused this decided that me, of all beings, would help this person's situation at all. but when i saw two on the screen and heard their voice, it was like i was falling in love all over again. we weren't seperated after all. our love traveled and was reborn again, in this universe. something that humans here love the idea of and write sappy novels and songs about it--yet it hides behind them in the form of me and my very real love with this fictional character.